
7 Best Tips to Avoid Bloating and Constant Fatigue


If you live in a sprawling city, bloating and fatigue have most likely arrived on a one-way ticket and therefore are not going anywhere anytime soon. While we use these words lightly, it’s crucial to know what they signify and why it’s important to pay attention to them. Bloating is defined as a swollen state induced by the retention of fluid or gas, while fatigue is defined as severe tiredness stemming from mental or physical exertion or sickness. While this is true, the magnitude and consequences of these events may be greater than you anticipate. Unusual stiffness and discomfort in the stomach, despite the regular activity and healthy food, is one way our stomach speaks to us, and this is known as bloating. Bloating is mainly caused by a malfunction in peristaltic movement or an overabundance of gas production and storage in the stomach.

Here are the best tips to avoid bloating and constant fatigue.

1. Stay hydrated 

Water, not just when frozen into cubes and encircled by a cocktail, should be a significant part of your diet as the festive season approaches. For the numerous RSVPs on your social schedule, glowing skin is just what the doctor prescribed. Make sure you drink enough water during the day to avoid dehydration. You’ll also notice that drinking a glass of coconut water first thing in the morning helps to reduce water retention, thereby reducing the chances of a bloated stomach. Also, keep alcohol and smoking at a minimum since it will further increase your bloating and fatigue issues.

2. Keep some form of activity going 

Bloating and fatigue are caused by lifestyle factors such as prolonged sitting hours, high levels of stress, and inadequate sleep. It’s not going to help if you don’t move after a meal and spend all your time on the couch. To feel lighter and more energised, you must get up and stay active. We know a lot of people who avoid bloating by practising yoga poses like Pawanmuktasana, Balasana, and Paschimottanasana. Increase your blood flow and avoid feeling lethargic by engaging in a moderate cardio workout. You might also go for a run, ski, or simply get up and move around your house. It is not necessary to start a rigorous formal, tough, and continuous fitness routine in order to reduce health issues and enhance one’s overall health. Even modest amounts of movement or daily activity added to your routine can help you reduce heaviness and improve your fitness.

3. Avoid high-fat foods 

Fat is a major supplier of energy and an essential component of any healthy diet. Fats are digested slowly by the body since they take longer to move through the digestive system than most other foods and might delay stomach emptying. Bloating may occur in certain people as a result of this. For those who suffer from this, avoiding high-fat foods may assist to alleviate bloating. High-fat solid foods, for instance, brought about an upsurge in symptoms, especially bloating, in people with stomach-emptying difficulties, according to a study.

4. Eat correctly and mindfully 

Not just what you eat, but also how you eat, has a significant impact on how you feel afterwards. Break up your meals into smaller portions and eat them throughout the day. Make sure you eat modest portions and chew carefully to allow the salivary enzymes to perform their job. Drinking or eating too fast increases the quantity of air a person swallows, which can cause more gas to accumulate in the digestive tract. This may be a reason for bloating among people who eat or drink fast; slowing down their eating speed may help to alleviate the issue. Also, when you talk while eating, your chances of swallowing air are increased. This might result in a build-up of air in the digestive tract, which can lead to stomach issues.

5. Indulge in healthy food/beverages for that slumped body 

You know that slumberous moment right after meals when you’re not quite ready to resume “adulting”? Or when you have to get ready for a particular gathering that you’re not looking forward to? You can get out of your blues by indulging in some healthy and nutritious treats. As a pure caffeine source, the heavenly combo of coffee and dark chocolate can provide a rapid pick-me-up. Caffeine is also delivered to the brain through herbal teas, which may persuade you not to drop all of your plans for the period and stay inside with your Netflix collection infinitely. Doctors also advise consuming figs, dates and soaked black raisins in the morning to help you stay energized throughout the day.

6. Don’t stress a lot 

The gut and the brain are strongly interconnected. Anxiety and stress can induce an abrupt flux in the stomach, resulting in bloating. Stress saps mental and physical energy, making it harder to get through the day. Stress puts a lot of strain on your stomach and abdomen, as well as disrupting your hormones and neurotransmitter balance. This could produce a situation in which foods that would typically be easily processed end up being improperly processed, resulting in gas and bloating. Stress hormones damage your sleep patterns, physical systems, and overall health, resulting in fatigue. So try to stay calm and composed rather than stressing out in situations that are not in your control. You can try meditation and yoga for proper digestion.

7. Have a good night sleep 

You don’t have to be an iconic Disney princess to place a premium on beauty sleep. Sleep is necessary for nearly every organ in our body to function properly. While napping will not compensate for a night of insufficient sleep, slipping in a 15-20 minutes short nap on days when you know you will be out late can help you feel less fatigued. To help your brain relax, turn off all gadgets at least an hour before bedtime.

Final Thoughts 

Bloating, drowsiness and fatigue can be caused by a variety of factors. Eating heavy or greasy meals, eating too much, or having short-term stress and worry are all temporary factors. IBS, SIBO, and gastroparesis are some of the longer-term culprits. Changing one’s diet, eating patterns, and stress reduction, if feasible, may help to alleviate symptoms. A person can, however, seek medical care if their symptoms are prolonged or severe.

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