
Root Chakra Healing for Mental and Physical Stability

Root Chakra Healing for Mental and Physical Stability

Root Chakra is the first chakra in the human body, also known as Muladhara in Sanskrit. The chakras can be defined as the small parts of the complex religious and spiritual tradition which originates in India. The energy centres of chakra were first described in an ancient spiritual text known as Vedas between 1500-100 BC. The chakras are believed to be well-shaped vortices that play a significant part in balancing our body’s energy, health and all we possess in reality. However, you must also be aware that scientific evidence behind any such claims has not been found yet. Spiritual leaders believe that root chakra is about how we feel about being connected to earth or safe at home in our body. The root chakra acts as a driving force that provides us with essential energy to live our daily life and attain physical demands.

What does root chakra do?

The root chakra is the root of our body that supports the solid bone structure with the spiritual connectivity to the earth or material realm around us. A person having a healthy root chakra sustain mental and physical health besides feeling secure about the nearby environment. Alternatively, when the root chakra is imbalanced, other chakras go out of the line.

It is believed that in root chakras, people carry their ancestral memories which might include incidents related to war or disasters. The traumas faced by generations create a pattern in our behaviour and live but we can heal them by balancing root chakra through exercise.

Energy blocked due to any circumstance can eventually impact our physical and mental health while misalignment of chakra may result in adverse symptoms such as eating and sleep disorders. If you feel that your root chakra is blocked, try to practice recommended exercises good for root chakra healing and allow energy to flow freely through your body to enhance well-being.

Where can you find the root chakra of the earth?

Many people think Mount Shasta in Northern California is where the earth’s root chakra is located. It is one of the Cascade Range’s tallest peaks, noted for its spiritual presence and grandeur. Native American tribes have long regarded the volcano as the birthplace of the creator or the centre of the world.

What is root chakra opening?

Individuals feel secure, comfortable, and competent when the root chakra opens and energy flows freely. Feeling grounded, engaged, and protected are all signs of the chakra opening. You may experience sensations, warmth, or healthful changes in your food and sleeping habits.

How to Balance root chakra?

Meditation is one way that can connect you with the spiritual side and also help you feel grounded other than exercises and yoga asanas. It is natural that we do not trust the world around us for protection, but connecting with a higher self and trusting the power in you will give you the much-needed strength to feel safe. You can try activating the sense organ that corresponds to the first chakra i.e., smell. When meditating, focus on your nose tip and align it with the root to make a fine balance.

Yoga Asanas for opening the root chakra

Kundalini yoga and hatha yoga practice can awaken the first root chakra effectively by activating the energy centres. There are many asanas that further help in opening the Muladhara chakra. Some of the effective yoga poses that can help you in maintaining the flow of energy from base chakra include:

Malasana or the garland pose: This asana begins by standing with your feet separated by a mat’s width. Squat down and push your knees back with your elbows as you exhale. Bring your body forward a little, stretch your back, and stay on your heels. Hold this position for at least five breaths.

Vrikshasana or the tree pose: The most beneficial position for establishing a stable base is Tree Pose. Start by standing tall and firmly set on the ground. Bend one leg and rest your foot flat against the inner thigh of the opposite leg after anchoring your energy via the upper and lower bodies. Put your arms in front of your chest in a praying position. Hold for a few breaths, then switch sides and repeat the tree posture.

Uttanasana or standing forward fold: Stand up straight tall and put your feet together. Bend at the knees and fold forward.  Keep your hands on the ground or just behind your legs. Hold the stretch for a few breaths before releasing it.

Exercises for opening the root chakra

Nadi Shodhana or alternative nostril breathing: this is one of the exercises that help in balancing body, mind and soul by breathing through alternative nostrils. Just sit cross-legged and place one hand on the knee while the other presses a side of the nostril. Inhale deeply with the other while you close one nostril with your finger. Exhale with the nostril you have pressed before while closing the one which you used for inhaling. Repeat this cycle at least 15 times.

Sitali Pranayama or cooling breathing: This exercise is great for keeping the physical body cool in hot weather or other high-heat circumstances. Take a few deep breaths while closing your eyes. When you’re ready, make an “O” shape with your mouth. Curl your tongue lengthwise and extend it out of your mouth slightly. Inhale slowly and deeply through your mouth, as if you were sipping through a straw. Continue the movement for another 2-3 minutes, focusing on the cooling feeling.

Meditation techniques for opening the root chakra

Focused Meditation: this is one meditation technique that targets boosting your focusing power. All you need is to sit quietly in a comfortable position and take deep breaths while your body relaxes. Put all your attention to the focused target. For instance, if you have chosen to breathe, pay attention to the internal and external sensations you feel while breathing.

Body Scan Meditation: this can be done when you lay back in a comfortable posture. Take a few breaths into your belly and relax. Scan your body by bringing awareness to your lower-most part i.e., feet and notice if you feel any physical sensation. Instead of fighting the pain, breathe through it. Work your way gradually through every part of your body until you have scanned your entire body.

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